8 Ways to Have the Perfect Music Festival Experience

8 Ways to Have the Perfect Music Festival Experience

If it is your first time to attend one or maybe you have attended a few but felt that you weren’t able to make the most out of your time at every music festival you go to, you are in luck! On this blog post, we will be giving you 8 ways and tips on how you can maximize your time and have the perfect music festival experience every single time.

Festival season has long started. For sure ravers and music festival goers like you save as much as you could to make sure you can cross off all music festivals on your list this year. You research for lineups, you plot out dates on your calendar, but really, do you know how to make the most out of your time at one?

If it is your first time to attend one or maybe you have attended a few but felt that you weren’t able to make the most out of your time at every music festival you go to, you are in luck! On this blog post, we will be giving you 8 ways and tips on how you can maximize your time and have the perfect music festival experience every single time.

Be Mentally and Physically Prepared

If you don’t know it by now, music festivals can be a bit overwhelming. There would be lots of people with you on the scene. There would be loud music all day. There would be lots of activities you would want to go - all activities that would need and would exhaust all your energies during the festival.

Days leading up to this moment, make sure you get enough sleep, enough food, enough water, and enough relaxation to last you up to when the festival’s last moments. While everyone’s enjoying the time of their lives, you wouldn’t want to end up like this guy, do you?

Plot ALL Concert and Non-Concert Activities

Avoid missing out on any important activities during the music festival or at the very least the activities you would really, really want to be into. Aside from the main acts and the non-stop dance parties, there are a lot more non-concert activities to try, food to eat, merchandise to buy, and Instagram-worthy places to see at music festivals.

Make sure that before going to one, you research all the schedules to various activities such as workshops and art shows, you know the food vendors who are going to be there. Maximize your time well at music festivals because those don’t come often.

Dress Comfortably

Yes, music festivals can be a venue where you should dress to impress, experiment on various clothing styles, dress in character, and just go all out. But that does not mean you would sacrifice your comfort just so you can impress a bunch of people who would probably be too drunk or too high to notice.

Remember that you would be under the scorching heat of the sun most of the time and that you would be in a place crowded by too many people. Also, the DJs and the artists who are gonna be there would probably throw the sickest beats. Dress to impress, sure, but choose shoes comfortable enough to let you dance and walk for hours, too. Choose clothes breathable enough to keep you cool and still looking fresh under the sun.

Bring All Your Essentials And Keep Them In A Fanny Pack

Fanny packs at music festivals are your ultimate best friend. They are highly-fashionable, totally carefree way you can keep your essentials at arms reach anytime you need them. They’re hands-free so you can still dance all day and all night long if you need to.

Your fanny pack should have all the essentials you need so you don’t have to go back and forth to your room/tent whenever you need something. For starters, your fanny pack kit should include: money, phone, gum, sunscreen, tissue, sunglasses, and anything else you could fit right into it.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Hydration packs are perfect to keep you hydrated all throughout the music festival. We all know that the heat, non-stop dancing, alcohol, and constant chatting with your crew’s the killer combo to dehydration and you wouldn’t want to end up in a hospital bed because of that.

It is super important to stay hydrated and drink water as frequent as you need to. Hydration packs are a hands-free way to help you do just that.  

Immerse Fully and Be in the Moment

We’ll be hypocrites if we tell you music festivals aren’t the place to take selfies on because they are. Your profiles would totally be #feedgoals with the all the famous bands, the artists, and DJs you’d encounter on the festival. A lot of photo booths and backdrops are set up for you to take pictures from.

However, you shouldn’t be too engrossed with taking pictures and videos that you fail to actually enjoy what’s happening right in front of you. Don’t be glued on your iPhone screen all day long that you forget to pay attention to what’s happening to your surroundings. The purpose of taking photos and videos are for people who aren’t there to see what’s happening. It’s not for you to review what you missed out the day after.

Be Carefree but Don’t Be Careless

Music festivals are made for people to enjoy good food, good music, good activities, and good company. It is where you can totally let loose and just immerse yourself with all the fun. However, while enjoying and being carefree, you must still prioritize your safety, first and foremost. Upon arriving to the venue, know where first aid booths are located. Do not be too high nor too drunk that you miss all the fun and can’t even remember a single thing the day after. Don’t take any drugs from people you don’t trust.

It is a lot more enjoyable and safer to enjoy the festival fully-aware of everything’s that happening around you.

Go With the Best People You Know

With this, we mean old ones and new ones. Music festivals are a good way for you and your crew to bond over good music, food and other activities but it’s also a great place to meet and bond with new people.

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